Press release

Rovnost in Jáchymov, 11th October 2022

Association Political, which in the Jachymov region is behind, for example, the restoration of the Jachymov’s hell nature trail, managed to buy the land of the object of the changing room at the former convict labor camp and uranium mine Rovnost near Jachymov. The hope, which was launched at the beginning of the year by a successful public collection, was fulfilled thanks to the efforts of volunteers and friends of the association. The rescue of the building and its transformation into a community and educational center begins.

With the signing of the purchase contract on 4th October 2022, the property passes from the hands of a private company to the ownership of a non-governmental organization, which was founded for the purpose of ethically capturing and preserving the memory and life experience of former Czechoslovak political prisoners. “I see not only an incalculable historical value in Řetízkárna, but also a huge potential as a place of memory. We would like to use it for a dignified reminder of the local mining history, as well as a space for meeting, listening and forgiveness. There is still a lack of such a place in the Jachymov region,” said Tomáš Bouška, chairman of the Association Political, about the transformation of the “Řetízkárna” into an educational center.

“Řetízkárna” used to be part of the uranium mine site and the Rovnost labor camp, one of the eighteen camps established by the communist regime to mine uranium for the Soviet nuclear program. In 1961, the camp was abolished, most of the mine buildings were razed to the ground, and today only a cottage settlement stands on the site. The last preserved mine building in its original condition is the “Řetízkárna” on the territory of Rovnost today. It served as a changing room for the prisoners, who would hang their work suits on “chains” inside and pull them up to the ceiling to dry. Read more about the building HERE.

You can follow the rescue of the building and support the efforts of the volunteers on the newly launched website and Facebook.

Tomáš Bouška, founder and chairman of the Association Political